Barefoot Massage transcends the average massage. The unique contours and strength of the feet offer a powerful and yet gentle way of melting away any muscle tensions or worry that you may carry.
Great for: unique gentle strength, feeling relaxed and calm, recovering from injury, releasing emotional energy stuck in your body, relieving pain, enhancing performance, increasing energy, coping with stress.
60 MINUTES $100
90 MINUTES $145
120 MINUTES $190
Call to make appointmentor order gift certificate by adding to cart below.
Gift Certificates sent by U.S. Mail, allow one week for delivery or call to arrange pick up.
Barefoot Massage transcends the average massage. The unique contours and strength of the feet offer a powerful and yet gentle way of melting away any muscle tensions or worry that you may carry.
Great for: unique gentle strength, feeling relaxed and calm, recovering from injury, releasing emotional energy stuck in your body, relieving pain, enhancing performance, increasing energy, coping with stress.
60 MINUTES $100
90 MINUTES $145
120 MINUTES $190
Call to make appointmentor order gift certificate by adding to cart below.
Gift Certificates sent by U.S. Mail, allow one week for delivery or call to arrange pick up.
Barefoot Massage transcends the average massage. The unique contours and strength of the feet offer a powerful and yet gentle way of melting away any muscle tensions or worry that you may carry.
Great for: unique gentle strength, feeling relaxed and calm, recovering from injury, releasing emotional energy stuck in your body, relieving pain, enhancing performance, increasing energy, coping with stress.
60 MINUTES $100
90 MINUTES $145
120 MINUTES $190
Call to make appointmentor order gift certificate by adding to cart below.
Gift Certificates sent by U.S. Mail, allow one week for delivery or call to arrange pick up.