Pearls of Wisdom

Wishing to share with you some pearls of wisdom that have come through recently.

A deep awareness that has landed.  A fundamental change that feels right and good to share  with all of you. So here it is.

Since the beginning of 2023 I have been saying "Yes" to everything that God Source has asked of me.  From creating classes, retreats, purchasing into retreats, purchasing into a leadership program, purchasing into learning new processes, moving to a new home and the list goes on.  All of which has stretched my sense of self, physically, perceptually, monetarily, emotionally, really in all ways

Each of these choices was a choice of no choice.  For me that means the calling from Humanity, the Earth and God Source was so great within my heart that I could not say "No".  "No" was just no longer even an option.  

Believe me I have said "No" in the past but that alternative has been the choice of suffering the pain of separation from my higher state of being and from God Source.  In those moments I was literally saying "No to God. Telling God Source that I want it my way, I know better than God.  Arrogance at it's best.  

In those moments it was my stubbornness, my resistance, my fear, my sense of lack and the tantrums of all of the parts of me that had not grown up yet.  The parts of me that I did not want to know or to feel the pain they were holding.

Over these 2 years many of the hidden parts of me have been revealed and given me the opportunity to love them into wholeness.  Now these parts are welcome to show up as they are.  To come forward so that I can see, hear, feel, acknowledge these very subtle parts that I had no idea where there.  Those parts of me that actually draw me deeper and deeper into the understanding of myself.  

What I would also share is that the deeper I go the less resistance and the more my system is able to relax into feeling the pain and suffering that has been locked within for a very long time.  I can now walk through so many things that would have ripped me apart inside previously.

My most recent deepening has been into worthiness and value.  Looking at all the spaces and places, the hidden parts of me that are in such fear of showing up in a Big Way or being seen in a Big Way or giving voice Confidently and Clearly or the parts that do not wish to grow up or do not feel good enough or believe they have nothing to give or do not deserve the good things in life or didn't work hard enough to deserve the goodness.  It is a long list.  

This brings me to the beginning of October this year when the calling came to attend a retreat in Costa Rica happening in mid-November.  The retreat is focused on strengthening people who have been commissioned by God Source to create different kinds of galvanizing centers around the world.  

Everything coming through my being told me I was to be there.  To be with others that are ready to step into alignment with their commissions.  The message was that the retreat will take me through my preparation and increase my capacity to bring through the foundational creation of "The City of Light" as well as collaborate with other participants who have similar Source commissions like "The City of Lights."  There was only one point of hesitation.

The price point of this retreat was very substantial which gave me pause.  I had to work through a 5 page list of fears, unworthiness, lack, value and many others which all ultimately were discarded as false.  It essentially came down to, can I be worthy of this much goodness and do I value myself and the information coming through me enough to answer "Yes" to this current clarion call. 

The real question was, are you going to let your current perception of money stop the greater mission, stop the purpose, stop the service I was being asked to be a part of.  It was very clear that God Source was calling me to this and I had to make the choice.  As I meditated and sat within the energies what was revealed was, I had to trust myself beyond, to know my worth, to claim my value by saying "Yes." 

The opportunity showed me a new perception that I had never seen before.  The price of the retreat was the value and level of transformation I would receive when I paid the fee, walked through the retreat and landed the information and energies that I have been asking to receive for many years.  The asking to actually create the physical form of the "City of Lights." 

I said "Yes" to my value, worth and transformation that was to come.  I said "Yes" to bringing through the energies, blueprint, training and foundational structure of that which I was commissioned to create back in 2002.

The revelation for me was that our monetary system is simply a means for us to Accept our value, to stretch ourself into the next level of worthiness, accepting the energies of transformation, rather than perceiving money from the lack of it.  I had to accept all of this, to say yes to the retreat and to begin receiving the inner transformation and downloads of information from Source and the field of the that which is "The City of Lights."

My conclusion is I now see clearly that the price point for anything I chose is simply a reference point, to the degree of transformation that I will receive in a class, program, retreat, crystal, home, couch etc.  And, that as I say yes to the calling everything from that point forward will conspirer to reinforce the foundation within me towards that calling.  That I am always cared for.  I have been shown this time and time again these past 2 years and it is now landing within me in a Big Way.

Really the question is can I put the "I" aside and show up for Humanity, The Earth and God Source.

May this spark awareness within you and give rise to contemplation.

Authored by Jeanne Lecher


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